Personal data processing procedure
Information provided by the website user is registered in the personal data base to ensure commercial relations.
Transfer of personal data to the third persons can be made exclusively pursuant to the Law of Ukraine “On personal data protection” as of 01.06.2010 No. 2297-VI.
According to Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine “On personal data protection” as of 01.06.2010 No. 2297-VI, the personal data entity is entitled to:
- know about location of personal data base, which contains his/her personal data, its designation and name, address and / or place of residence (stay) of the owner or manager of the base or set a corresponding task for the authorized persons to receive the information, except for cases, established by the law;
- receive information on conditions of access to personal data provision, in particular information on the third persons, who get his/her personal data registered in the corresponding personal data base;
- access to his/her own personal data registered in the corresponding personal data base;
- get response whether his/her personal data are registered with the corresponding personal data base not later than thirty calendar days as of the date of request, except for cases envisaged by the law, and also to get content of his/her personal data being kept;
- provide grounded request with refusal from processing of his/her personal data by the public bodies, local self-government bodies at implementation of their authorities envisaged by the law;
- provide grounded request on change or destruction of own personal data by any owner and manager of the base if the data are processed illegally or are false;
- protection of own personal data from illegal processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage because of deliberate concealing, failure to provide or untimely provision, as well as to protection from provision of information being unreliable or bringing disgrace, assaulting dignity and tarnishing business reputation of the individual;
- address on protection of own rights to personal data to public bodies, local self-government bodies, which are responsible for protection of personal data;
- apply means of legal protection in case of legislation on personal data protection violation.
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