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Ccarpet for gymnastics PASTORELLI

Product Code: XZA02675

6 250.00 €
Price incl. 23% VAT tax
Килим гімнастичний Pastorelli. Сертифікований FIG - Міжнародна Федерація гімнастики.За характеристиками тертя килим кращий в своєму класі. У комплект до килима входить кольорова обмотка(скотч) по периметру килима. Високоякісний килим для художньої гімнастики Pastorelli підходить як для тренувань, так і для виступів. Зроблено в Італії, ідеально підходить для тренувань і всіх видів змагань.Технічні характеристики:Розмір: 14 х 14 мВисота: 8 ммСклад: 100% поліамідКолір: світлий бежевий
Rhythmic Gymnastics Equipment
Type of Items for CG
RG Carpet
Pastorelli (Italy)

At the Nova Poshta branch

At the UkrPoshta branch


Delivery takes place only on weekdays from Monday to Friday.

There are no deliveries on Saturday and week.

We do not provide post-payment service (invoice payment).

Delivery of the order is expected within 2 business days after payment.

Delivery terms are at the discretion of the carrier.

The Buyer has the right to exchange or return the Goods within 14 calendar days from the day the Goods were returned, subject to the exception of the Goods, which do not allow for exchange and return.

Goods that rotate must be secured by the Buyer with all the labels and tags, and it depends on the destination.

Upon acceptance of the Purchase of the Goods, the Seller will return the returned Goods within 3 business days from the date the returned Goods reach the Seller. Reversal of penny kostiva vartosti The product is affected by the individuals designated in the contract for the Product. The reversal of pennies is used for the additional reversal of the value of the paid Goods, transferred to the Client’s bank card.

I do not recommend products from the “Whiteness” category (scarpets, knee socks, tights and whiteness), as well as products from the “Swimsuits and swimming trunks” category.